Barry Simon - Biotag
Below is the "biotag" for Professor Simon from the Jewish Action article. Additional information on Prof. Simon's background can be found on his home page
Because some of the code proponents often refer to the credentials of the
scientists who have made positive statements about the codes, an expanded list of Dr.
Barry Simon's qualifications follows.
Dr. Simon received a Ph.D. in physics from Princeton in 1970; all of his professorial appointments have been jointly in mathematics and physics. He remained at Princeton on the faculty being promoted to tenure in 1972 and to full professor in 1976. He accepted a position at Caltech in 1981, where he is currently the IBM Professor of Mathematics and Theoretical Physics and Department Chair for Mathematics. He is a former vice president of the American Mathematical Society, a fellow of the American Physical Society and a winner of the gold medal of the International Association of Molecular Science for work related to quantum chemistry.
He is the author of 12 scientific books (graduate level texts and advanced monographs) and approximately 300 research papers in his field of mathematical physics, especially in questions related to quantum mechanics. Regarding the preparation of this article, he stated: "I am not a specialist specifically in probability and statistics, the subject most relevant to codes analysis (neither is Prof. Rips) but I have used probability theory in my research and taught the Caltech Freshman math course that includes 5 weeks of probability including extensive discussion of paradoxes and pitfalls."
Dr Simon also writes about computers and was the Jewish Action computer columnist for several years. This article is copyrighted by Barry Simon, © 1997, all rights reserved.