These are not opinions, but historical facts, that anyone with the slightest interest can countercheck for themselves.
“Palestine” is an invention of aggression war. First from the colonizing and invading Romans, who invented the name, in Latin with emperor Hadrian, about 135 to spite an mock the Jewish people after their worst enemies in history. The name is derived from Israel’s previous worst enemies at that times, and originated from a sea pirate people who was believed to have come from the Greek archipelagos, who camped by Gaza. If you read the story about David and Goliath, the warrior Goliath was such a pirate. When the philistines wreaked war upon the nation of Israel, about one thousand years prior to the Christian beginning of the year zero, there was no Arab people around, and when the Romans renamed a crushed Israel there was no Muslims around.
So foreign Roman invaders renamed Israel, with an new invention in a foreign language, Latin, from a extinct sea pirate people from the Greek archipelago and started to call the Jewish people for that. Moving up fast along history. The British won World War 1918 against their enemies, and spoils of war included the Middle East, whom they shared with the colonist of France. At these times, the Arab states was made in after the San Remo conference, held by League of Nations Union. The Jewish state had already been promised, in the Balfour declarations, to be re-born. There has never through history existed (or been proclaimed) another sovereign state or nation or kingdom where Israel lays. Only invaders taxable outer colonies.
Muslims and Arab people in this deal gained ninety-nine (99) percentage of the entire Middle East, and north Africa. Jews was promised less than one percentage of these entire massive land areas, in the San Remo Conference. The San Remo conference output was (and is) the only legal international document regarding these matters. The British colonizers then decided that “a Palestinian” was anyone who could prove they had stayed and been residents within their British controlled mandate for two years.
Therefore, during these times when hordes of Arabs immigrated to take part of the jobs and in general better living conditions which the returning Jews brought with their western civilization knowledge, everyone was issued by the British Palestinian papers. Jews as Muslim Arabs and British was all considered as the “Palestinian people” according, once again to foreign colonizers. Examples that the Jewish people were considered by all parties to be the “Palestinians” are plenty. Just open any book written at these times. The Jewish volunteer legion whom had fought with the British aginst the Nazis -was called the Palestine brigade, the paper Palestine Post was a Jewish operated newspaper, and is today known as Jerusalem Post. etcetera
Oh, and what about Jordan? Let me fill in the clues and historic blanks as well. Jordan is seventy-eight (78) percentage of the former British mandate of Palestine. That means that Muslim Arabs already today control the absolutely largest part of the previous mandate. And when some say “occupation” it is a cruel joke, since it is per see impossible for Jews to occupy their since the beginning of times historic lands, of where there has been a straight Jewish presence, despite the Diaspora, for the last four thousand of years.
Except when the Jordan invaded it 1948 and imposed ethnical cleansing and an Arab apartheid regime, with yet even more heavy influx of Arabs who came to gain economical benefits from the UN aid programs and spoils of war from previous Jewish homes. The same Jordan that with Muslim Arabic war tactic renamed Jewish lands of Judea/Samaria into “west bank”. And no, there was no creation, or even an try to so do, of the “Palestine state” everyone is screaming about today, when Arabs controlled these areas for two decades. On the other hand PLO was created during these times. An organization that was lead by “Palestinian”, who in reality was an Egyptian dictator and terrorist, for four decades. When Jordan held the lands of Judea and Samaria illegally, he invented his new people, and spoke about “Liberating Palestine”, which meant in reality, and still means, the liquidation of the Jewish state and its main population centrals, such as the Jewish million city of Tel-Aviv.
Therefore, anyone that now knows this Jewish history, and still uses the current carefully designed Arabic lies and deception of propaganda with “Palestinian people” or “Palestine”, is either being forced by world outside PC pressure where the Goebells doctrin of repeating lies, or trying to weakening and de-legitimize the sovereign state of Israel, and the Jewish people, who belongs to one of the oldest civilizations on earth from time immemorial. Since surrounding Muslim Arabs has tried, and failed with military aggression, they have instead succeeded with their invention of propaganda war of designed words and made up their people, from a extinct Greek once sea pirate people whom is believed to have vanished some three thousand years ago.
There already is a “Palestinian” state, and its called Jordan. Ask the Queen of Jordan who claims to be “Palestinian”, who her people is, that she is co-ruling with her husband. What today constitutes Jordan was 1921 called “The Palestine mandate”.
For those who claim that this was might been a rude chrash course in History 101, I say it even more evil inventing up a make belief people just to steal 4000 year old, notice vital military strategic for defending the Israeli population rich coastlines and defense in depth, Jewish liberated main lands of Judea and Samaria.
For those who claim this is denying the "Palestinians" their decent, my guess is that they are belonging to the Arabic ethnics of recognized people. Perhaps either of Christian or Muslim belief. They could easily of course be of Druze, Maronite, Kuridsh, Syriac, Coptic, Berber, Persian or any other separate, acknowledged minority people as well.
Palestine is a foreign name for Israel, invoked by Israel’s invading foreign enemies. That is just a stated historic fact, where logical conlusions can be made of. If you feel otherwise, please feel inform me and the readers when a “Palestinian land” state or nation ever existed through the history, ruled by “Palestinians”. Recognized years and boundaries will do.
Perhaps I am “extreme” according to you, because I am not tolerating history forgery, designated to obliterate the Judean land from the face of the map? Bad news then coming up.
Following are quotations ranging from Kings to clan leaders and other experts in their fields testimonials last centaury. All of Arabic or Muslims origin btw.
“Palestine” is an invention of aggression war. First from the colonizing and invading Romans, who invented the name, in Latin with emperor Hadrian, about 135 to spite an mock the Jewish people after their worst enemies in history. The name is derived from Israel’s previous worst enemies at that times, and originated from a sea pirate people who was believed to have come from the Greek archipelagos, who camped by Gaza. If you read the story about David and Goliath, the warrior Goliath was such a pirate. When the philistines wreaked war upon the nation of Israel, about one thousand years prior to the Christian beginning of the year zero, there was no Arab people around, and when the Romans renamed a crushed Israel there was no Muslims around.
So foreign Roman invaders renamed Israel, with an new invention in a foreign language, Latin, from a extinct sea pirate people from the Greek archipelago and started to call the Jewish people for that. Moving up fast along history. The British won World War 1918 against their enemies, and spoils of war included the Middle East, whom they shared with the colonist of France. At these times, the Arab states was made in after the San Remo conference, held by League of Nations Union. The Jewish state had already been promised, in the Balfour declarations, to be re-born. There has never through history existed (or been proclaimed) another sovereign state or nation or kingdom where Israel lays. Only invaders taxable outer colonies.
Muslims and Arab people in this deal gained ninety-nine (99) percentage of the entire Middle East, and north Africa. Jews was promised less than one percentage of these entire massive land areas, in the San Remo Conference. The San Remo conference output was (and is) the only legal international document regarding these matters. The British colonizers then decided that “a Palestinian” was anyone who could prove they had stayed and been residents within their British controlled mandate for two years.
Therefore, during these times when hordes of Arabs immigrated to take part of the jobs and in general better living conditions which the returning Jews brought with their western civilization knowledge, everyone was issued by the British Palestinian papers. Jews as Muslim Arabs and British was all considered as the “Palestinian people” according, once again to foreign colonizers. Examples that the Jewish people were considered by all parties to be the “Palestinians” are plenty. Just open any book written at these times. The Jewish volunteer legion whom had fought with the British aginst the Nazis -was called the Palestine brigade, the paper Palestine Post was a Jewish operated newspaper, and is today known as Jerusalem Post. etcetera
Oh, and what about Jordan? Let me fill in the clues and historic blanks as well. Jordan is seventy-eight (78) percentage of the former British mandate of Palestine. That means that Muslim Arabs already today control the absolutely largest part of the previous mandate. And when some say “occupation” it is a cruel joke, since it is per see impossible for Jews to occupy their since the beginning of times historic lands, of where there has been a straight Jewish presence, despite the Diaspora, for the last four thousand of years.
Except when the Jordan invaded it 1948 and imposed ethnical cleansing and an Arab apartheid regime, with yet even more heavy influx of Arabs who came to gain economical benefits from the UN aid programs and spoils of war from previous Jewish homes. The same Jordan that with Muslim Arabic war tactic renamed Jewish lands of Judea/Samaria into “west bank”. And no, there was no creation, or even an try to so do, of the “Palestine state” everyone is screaming about today, when Arabs controlled these areas for two decades. On the other hand PLO was created during these times. An organization that was lead by “Palestinian”, who in reality was an Egyptian dictator and terrorist, for four decades. When Jordan held the lands of Judea and Samaria illegally, he invented his new people, and spoke about “Liberating Palestine”, which meant in reality, and still means, the liquidation of the Jewish state and its main population centrals, such as the Jewish million city of Tel-Aviv.
Therefore, anyone that now knows this Jewish history, and still uses the current carefully designed Arabic lies and deception of propaganda with “Palestinian people” or “Palestine”, is either being forced by world outside PC pressure where the Goebells doctrin of repeating lies, or trying to weakening and de-legitimize the sovereign state of Israel, and the Jewish people, who belongs to one of the oldest civilizations on earth from time immemorial. Since surrounding Muslim Arabs has tried, and failed with military aggression, they have instead succeeded with their invention of propaganda war of designed words and made up their people, from a extinct Greek once sea pirate people whom is believed to have vanished some three thousand years ago.
There already is a “Palestinian” state, and its called Jordan. Ask the Queen of Jordan who claims to be “Palestinian”, who her people is, that she is co-ruling with her husband. What today constitutes Jordan was 1921 called “The Palestine mandate”.
For those who claim that this was might been a rude chrash course in History 101, I say it even more evil inventing up a make belief people just to steal 4000 year old, notice vital military strategic for defending the Israeli population rich coastlines and defense in depth, Jewish liberated main lands of Judea and Samaria.
For those who claim this is denying the "Palestinians" their decent, my guess is that they are belonging to the Arabic ethnics of recognized people. Perhaps either of Christian or Muslim belief. They could easily of course be of Druze, Maronite, Kuridsh, Syriac, Coptic, Berber, Persian or any other separate, acknowledged minority people as well.
Palestine is a foreign name for Israel, invoked by Israel’s invading foreign enemies. That is just a stated historic fact, where logical conlusions can be made of. If you feel otherwise, please feel inform me and the readers when a “Palestinian land” state or nation ever existed through the history, ruled by “Palestinians”. Recognized years and boundaries will do.
Perhaps I am “extreme” according to you, because I am not tolerating history forgery, designated to obliterate the Judean land from the face of the map? Bad news then coming up.
Following are quotations ranging from Kings to clan leaders and other experts in their fields testimonials last centaury. All of Arabic or Muslims origin btw.
“There is no such country as Palestine. ‘Palestine’ is a term the Zionists invented. [...]Our country was for centuries part of Syria. ‘Palestine’ is alien to us. It is the Zionists who introduced it.” – Auni Bey Abdul-Had, Local Arab leader to British Peel Commission, 1937
“There is no such thing as Palestine in history, absolutely not”
— Professor Philip Hitti, Arab historian to Anglo-American Committee of Inquiry, 1946
“It is common knowledge that Palestine is nothing but southern Syria.”
— Ahmed Shukairy, United Nations Security Council, 1956
“You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian People, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people.”
-Syrias former President, Hafez Assad to PLO leader Yassir Arafat.
“Palestine is a principal part of Southern Syria, and we consider that it is our right and duty to insist that it be a liberated partner of our Arab homeland and of Syria.”
-Syrias former President, Hafez Assad 8 March 1974
“The Palestinian people does not exist. The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means for continuing our struggle against the state of Israel for our Arab unity. In reality today there is no difference between Jordanians, Palestinians, Syrians and Lebanese. Only for political and tactical reasons do we speak today about the existence of a Palestinian people, since Arab national interests demand that we posit the existence of a distinct “Palestinian people” to oppose Zionism”
-Zahir Muhsein, PLO March 31, 1977
“Jordan is Palestine and Palestine is Jordan”
-King Hussein 1982
“There is no difference between one Palestinian and another.
We are all Palestinians and we are all Syrian Arabs.”
-Abdul Darawshe said -Arabic member of Israeli knesset 1997
“Palestine has never existed [...]
There is no language known as Palestinian. There is no distinct Palestinian culture. There has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians. Palestinians are Arabs, indistinguishable from Jordanians (another recent invention), Syrians, Lebanese, Iraqis, etc. Keep in mind that the Arabs control 99.9 percent of the Middle East lands. Israel represents one-tenth of 1 percent of the landmass.” – Joseph Farrah WND 2002
Labels: "Palestinians"
I see the ear-deafening silence is speaking volumes. Strange.
I openly dare anyone, to produce credible sources, either acknowledged historians, testimonial journal films, or supportive archeological dugouts, which might contradicts anything that I already stated above.
An open challenge to those hypocrites who has read this, and then would by own choice continue to use the modern terrorist-invention code lingo machinery of "Palestine" for the arabist propaganda cause. A similarity would be if the Soviet empire got the Idea that Sweden should be renamed into Russia. It would be the exact same thing the Israel-bashers are doing.
Perhaps the former PLO terrorist employed Arab Walid Shoebat can shed some more light on the issues mentioned?
“When I finally realized the lies and myths I was taught, it is my duty as a righteous person to speak out”
“The Israeli Arab conflict is not about geography but about Jew hatred; the 1400 year history of Islam proves it.”
“The Arab refugees are being used as pawns' to create a terror breeding ground, as a form of aggression against Israel”
“Why is it that on June 4th 1967 I was a Jordanian and overnight I became a Palestinian?”
A deception designed for one purpose only, stabbing Israel in the heart of proposing future slicing off, since time immemorial, Judea-Samaria as one huge terrorist reward to illegal Arabic aggression wars. As only stage one, before the second phase of setting up terrorist camps and bases close to civilian Jewish villages and towns, that plenty of the various Arabic leaderships time after time promised coming genocidal destruction of the Jewish “Zionist enemy” nation.
Anyone that just has read this text is welcome to prove me wrong. In anyway. Anyone? Someone? NO-ONE?
Otherwise, a truly pathetic cowardness from the otherwishe so viva "Pro-Palestinian" cheerleading crowds.
simulev, at 3:16 AM
simlev, tamshich kacha.
max, at 11:18 AM
Good post, you could also check out posts about it (in Swedish) Palestinier, var kommer namnet från?, or my translation of Larry Millers excellent rant about it, Det finns inga palestinier. Please correct me if you find any factual errors!
We could also need some more good writers at FOMI, you should start a thread about it in the forum, there should be some muslims willing to debate you there!
Runnymede1215, at 2:34 PM
Very good post, I don´t know if everything you write is correct but it seems to be. At least you dare to write what almost nobody dares. Congratulations for that.
I only want to make a remark, you say "A similarity would be if the Soviet empire got the Idea that Sweden should be renamed into Russia. It would be the exact same thing the Israel-bashers are doing. " Well I think that Swedens don´t deserve its former country because they do not want to defend it, better than be ruled by islam I prefer Russia invades Sweden, expell moslems or at least keep them under control and Sweden become a kind of Republic in the Russian Federation.
At least Russian know how to treat criminals.
José María, at 4:46 AM
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